Ram Ramanujan

Diabetic Care Associates

Compare home pulse pressure components collected directly from home

#Cardiovascular #Metabolic

How will the SphygmoCor® technology enable, enhance, or accelerate your research?

Compare technology enabled parameters with "Checkmyvitals" app enabled collection of HBP data on arterial properties, CBP, BPV and other features.

Executive Summary

Compare Home pulse pressure components collected directly from home with similar components using CONNECT QT PULSE data

Research Setting

Independent practice developed Checkmyvitals app to support patients to engage uploading Home blood pressure, sugar and diet. HBP data at present, is collected from validated personal device. The incoming data is designed to show time in range on HBP and also other features such as BPV,PV, MAP, CBP, CO HASI, HASAI estimate on stiffness and stiffening index. These features are integrated at regular intervals in the EMR in sequence.