
June 4, 2019

Estimating Central Aortic Pressure from Brachial Cuff Pulse

Non-invasively estimating the heart's pressure and pressure waveform with features related to cardiac function and arterial properties by using a conventional BP cuff inflated to low pressure. The patent provides a non-invasive, simple, and operator-independent tool to clinically diagnose cardiovascular system and estimate risk of having heart disease which otherwise require an invasive procedure. The method in principle can be implemented in BP cuff devices and improve their capability.
June 4, 2019

Simplified Systolic and Pulse Pressure Method

The more clinically relevant blood pressure (BP) at the heart differs significantly from BP at the upper arm. BP at the heart can only be measured directly through an invasive procedure. This patent provides a simple and non-invasive method of estimating BP at the heart from a non-invasive pulse recording on the wrist.